Complete renovation. Requests from owners: - Contemporary, - Need storage, - Entirely white walls, - Need to restore soils, - Need extra room, - Need to expand the kitchen (with storage) - Need to renovate a bathroom and a shower room, - Need to keep the furniture from the old apartment.
Complete renovation. Requests from owners: - Contemporary, - Need storage, - Entirely white walls, - Need to restore soils, - Need extra room, - Need to expand the kitchen (with storage) - Need to renovate a bathroom and a shower room, - Need to keep the furniture from the old apartment.
Renovation of the bathroom and the shower room (in progress).
Complete renovation. Requests from owners: - Contemporary, - Need storage, - Entirely white walls, - Need to restore soils, - Need extra room, - Need to expand the kitchen (with storage) - Need to renovate a bathroom and a shower room, - Need to keep the furniture from the old apartment.
"Haussmanien" apartment, Apartements and houses with modern, contemporary and industrial styles.
Commercial / Medical
Sports center combining health care for patients with chronic diseases.
Sports center combining health care for patients with chronic diseases.
Offer a space for parents and children near shopping areas and a sports center. Proposed activities: - creative workshops, reading, gardening and cooking, - restaurant / coffee shop, - private terrace, - rest / play areas.
Sports center combining health care for patients with chronic diseases.
Sports / Health centers, space for parents and children, organic store...